New Guidelines For High Blood Pressure Treatment

Controlling high blood pressure is no longer just about drugs. Read about the multi-pronged approach being adopted today.

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Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) – A Heart Condition

Mitral Valve allows blood to flow in one direction from the atrium (upper chamber) to the ventricle (lower chamber). It is one of the four valves separating different chambers of the heart. Mitral valve causes problem if it doesn?t open and close as per its functionality.

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Malignant Hypertension Causes Symptoms And Treatment

This Article will provide you comprehensive information about Malignant Hypertension and accelerated Hypertension causes symptoms treatment and complications

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Low Blood Pressure Symptoms

When the pressure of the blood that is exerted against the walls of the blood vessels after and during every heart beat is lower than normal, you have low blood pressure. This can result in insufficient blood flow to the important body organs like the heart and the brain. And this can lead to various low blood pressure symptoms.

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Living with Congestive Heart Failure

This article offers a definition of Congestive Heart Failure. It gives the reader knowledge about this condition and ways that CHF are treated. It is also meant to give hope to those with Congestive Heart Failure and to let them know how to live relatively healthy, full lives despite it.

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Knowing And Reducing Your Risks For Stroke

You can protect yourself from stroke.

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Is Your Cardio Routine Doing More Harm Than Good?

Most people falsely believe that moderate intensity cardio training is the best way to lose body fat and improve your heart health. I disagree! Moderate intensity cardio not only increases catabolic hormone production, and breaks down muscle tissue, which leads to a lowered metabolic rate, but also does not train the heart to handle everyday stress and the associated rapid increase in blood pressure and heart rate. There is a better way!

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Immediate Stroke Diagnosis Critical for Recovery

Every minute, someone in the United States has a stroke. Of the 700,000 victims each year, one-third die, and another third suffer permanent paralysis, loss of speech or memory lapses.

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Hollywood Heart Attack: A Potentially Deadly Myth

It is often said that a very important matter is “serious as a heart attack.” This is rather ironic, since many Americans don’t take heart attacks seriously enough-by knowing the warning signs or how to respond.

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High Blood Pressure Reduction Measures

Adding exercise to this change in diet can improve the blood pressure reduction.

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